Rate of fire will also vary depending on the weight of bullets used. Listed as 1,200 rpm (rounds per minute), the MAC-11 is capable of emptying the entire 32-round magazine in less than two seconds, which many users view as a drawback. The rate of fire of the M-11A1 is one of the biggest complaints on the firearm. MAC-11/9 with 32-round magazine and suppressor. This weapon is sometimes confused with the Sylvia & Wayne Daniels M-11/9, its successor the Leinad PM-11, or the Vulcan M-11-9, both of which are later variants of the MAC chambered for the 9 mm Parabellum cartridge. The weapon is a sub-compact version of the Model 10 ( MAC-10), and is chambered to fire the smaller. The MAC-11 ( Military Armament Corporation Model 11) is a machine pistol developed by American firearm designer Gordon Ingram at the Military Armament Corporation (MAC) during the 1970s in Powder Springs, Georgia, United States. What would the market value of that M10 be? Certainly more than $10,000 IMHO. What if your M10 could use standard M16 upper receivers, have a MP5 and and AK upper available. Both have a market value in the low $30,000 range. Look at what you can do with an HK sear or a DIAS. The more modular a firearms system gets, the higher the market value climbs. I think that it is the most fun I can have with my pants on. Here is my wife burning up $200 of ammo in less than a minute. If I bring my water cooled M16 upper that has been modified for use with the Valkyrie Armaments belt fed system, 500 rounds can be gone in less than a minute. As a semiautomatic shooter 1,000 rounds in an afternoon was a long afternoon. Depending on whether you are a collector or a shooter, ammo costs twice to 10 times higher.

The Lage products are "just the tip of the iceberg" for this family of RRs transferable machineguns. I think that the Mac style family of RRs is about to be "the next big thing". That’s where I am coming from in asking Well you got in at just the right time. I just entered this game and my wallet is only deep enough for one MG and the Mac 10 is it.
#Cyclic rate of fire mac 10 9mm series
Having said that, I believe the MAX-31 series of uppers is the absolute peak of Lage perfection and I’ve put my money where my mouth is by having owned four different ‘31 variants. Sadly, very few people will ever shoot a subgun match.
#Cyclic rate of fire mac 10 9mm plus
Much slower ROF with easy singles which adds controlability plus the caliber adds real knockdown power on steel poppers rather than a slow 9mm death roll. 45 W provides many of the benefits you stated. I’ve shot enough subgun matches to see how.

Thanks for sharing your reasoned thoughts. Using the 10/31 gives the benefits of being cheaper, slower, and more controllable. 45 being $100 more than 9mm, per 1K makes me sad. I get that you can't expect anything in the MG world to be cheap. 45 in stock form for giggles at the range, and use my max10/31 in 9mm for subgun competitions/practice for competitions because of the price of ammo.

Personally here's my reasoning: I'd rather hose out a couple mags of.